
6th – Third Eve Chakra

Represents: Self-realization beyond duality, psychic ability, perception

Element:  Light
Color:          Indigo/Dark Blue
Sense:         Sixth Sense
Sound:        SHAM
Location: Between the eyebrows, middle of the forehead.

Physical Associations: eyes, ears, head, pituitary gland, pineal gland

Associated Age: none

Open and Balanced

In touch with intuition.

Experiences peace of mind and clarity.

Not attached to material things

-Deficiency in Third Eye Chakra 

Lack of concentration.

Detaches from the world.

Blocked intuition.

+Excessive Energy in Third Eye Chakra

Cynical, too logical.

Cannot see the big picture.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Third Eye Chakra 

Learning disabilities, neurological dysfunctions, depression, headaches, upper sinus congestion, poor vision.

Yoga Poses (Asanas)

To increase Sacral Chakra energy: Pigeon pose (Kapotasana)

From crossed legged seated position

  1. Bring left leg back and behind you.
  2. Look behind and make sure that left leg is in one line with left hip.
  3. Palms or fingertips are on the floor.
  4. Your right knee should be behind your right wrist and your ankle is behind your left wrist.
  5. As you inhale, lift your chest up; as you exhale, allow your shoulders and pelvis to relax down.
  6. Your hips should be squared the front of the room.
  7. Do both sides

As you breathe, focus on your Svadhisthana Chakra, feeling it expand and collect energy from the earth through your pelvis. When you feel the collection of energy is complete, slowly bring your left leg hack around to the front, return to a seated position, and continue to do the other side

To decrease Sacral Chakra energy: Butterfly pose (Badakonasana)

From seated position, knees bent, soles of the feet on the floor and apart.

  1. If you have tight hamstrings or buttock muscles, place a cushion underneath your sitting bones.
  2. Bring the soles of your feet together, knees falling out to the side so that your legs, knees and hips make a big diamond shape.
  3. Contract your abdominal muscles, and as you inhale, lift and straighten your spine. As you exhale, move over top of your legs allowing your elbows to move outside of your legs. When you’ve reached your maximum point, round your spine, allowing your head to be heavy. Do not push, the butterfly is a gentle pose.

As you breathe, focus on your Svadhisthana Chakra, feeling it expand and collect energy from the earth through your pelvis. When you feel the collection of energy is complete, slowly bring your left leg hack around to the front, return to a seated position, and continue to do the other side

As you breathe, send your excess Svadhisthana energy into the earth, focusing on balancing all of your chakras.

When you are ready, contract your abdominal muscles to protect your lower back, and slowly with a round spine, roll up to a seated position, keeping your head and arms busy. When your spine is straight, allow yourself a few moments to revel in the balanced energy.


  • Pigeon variations: If this is too much for your front knee, move your foot closer to your pelvis. If this is too much on your lower back, recline slightly until it feels better, placing your forearms on the floor.



I treat myself with honor and respect.

I am the best person I can be.

My personal power grows more each day.

Third Eye Chakra Journal Questions:

Do I honor my emotions?

Have I given up my power in the past? List the incidences and what another solution could be.

How would I rate my self esteem? High or Low?

Is it difficult for me to work with others or compromise?