Introduction to Chakras
Chakras come from the Ancient Indian Language, Sanskrit, the dead language, or the original language. Sanskrit is the mother tongue of many Indo-European languages.
For 1000s of years, chakras have been studied in India and Tibet. They are part of Tantric Yoga, which attempts to achieve union with the Divine. The chakras link to the astral and physical dimensions through nadis, like the meridians of Chinese medicine. The nadis is the channel, the prana, the vital energies. Prana is a similar concept to the Ch’i used in Chinese medicine.
In Sanskrit, Chakra means energy wheel or spokes of a wheel. They spiral in a clockwise direction. There are seven chakras, seven unique colours that start at the base of the spine and end above the head. They’re also called energy centres. Subtle energies called Sukshma vibrations are the first three lower chakras, the root, the sacral and the solar plexus. These chakras represent a connection to the physical world. The next four chakras, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakra represent the spiritual world. The heart chakra is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual; if the Chakras are clockwise and spinning correctly, the emotional and physical body is healthy. If the chakras are counterclockwise, the energy in those frequencies is running at a low frequency or blocked. It could be that an individual chakra is not functioning correctly, or several chakras are out of balance. The imbalance is possible because an emotional issue or a physical issue is creating an imbalance or blockage of the energy frequency of the Chakra.