Introduction to Support and Recognize Psychic Children Abilities

Questions often asked:

  1. How do I know my child is psychic?
  2. Are they too young to be psychic?
  3. How do I support their gift?

4. How do I set boundaries in the spirit world if they are too young with the gift?

I have learned to work with my daughter’s psychic abilities. She could sense and see the spirits. I had to learn how to figure out how to work with her intuitive ability and not make it this significant, scary drama experience. Make it a calm, safe, peaceful environment for both of you to work in your home. Psychic children are an open antenna. Open to the positive and the negative. We try to teach the parents how to work with their children. I have had children come to me privately in sessions and individually to give them that support and understanding of how to work with their gift.

I will explain the stories of how it worked for me to work with my daughter’s gift. When working with other kids, it is by trial and error to find what works best for them. Children’s intuition gifts can be unique. One technique might work for one child but might not work for another. We do the best of our ability to grow and nurture their gifts. It is necessary to give support to the parent and the child. Sometimes parents feel helpless, not knowing where to go, especially if they don’t know the spiritual realm. These videos will give you some support and guidance to help you through this journey for you and your child. When a parent starts opening up their intuitive ability and working on the internal work of their personal and spiritual growth, it can awaken their child’s ability. This course should help you and your family.

I have learned personal and professional stories and techniques from adults who come to my classes who’ve shut down their psychic ability because they were afraid of it as a child. They didn’t understand it, or they didn’t have the support, or they didn’t say anything to their family about their ability. Maybe they saw something they couldn’t understand, or it scared them. Children shut it down. But we can bring that ability back online. And that’s what I’ve done in my workshops and private sessions with clients who want to get that ability, to understand that they have control and can set the boundaries of their gift. People can change their talent into what’s more comfortable for them. This course will help answer your questions or fears with your child or someone you know who has a psychic gift. This course will help you understand your gift when you were a child and learn why you shut down that part of yourself.